Contact Us
Office Location
8311 Mary Ball Road
Suite 302
Lancaster, VA 22503
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 100
Lancaster, VA 22503
Phone Numbers
(804) 462-5780
(804) 462-5519 (Fax)
Northern Virginia: From DC, take I-95 South to Route 17. Take Route 17 East into Tappahannock and turn left at the traffic light onto Route 360 which will take you to Warsaw (follow remainder of directions below).
Southern Virginia: Take I-95 North to Richmond. From Richmond take 360 East to Tappahannock. Follow 360 (makes a right turn onto Queen Street) to Warsaw.
Western Virginia: From Blacksburg, take I-81 South to I-64 East to Richmond. Take 295 to the Tappahannock exit. Take 360 East until you reach Tappahannock. Follow 360 (makes a right turn onto Queen Street) to Warsaw. After the 7-11 in Warsaw make a right at the traffic light (onto Route 3). Follow Route 3 for 24 miles to Lancaster Courthouse. Park in the lot across from the Courthouse and use front entrance through the double-doors. (The Extension Office is upstairs on the left in Suite 302).